In our world terminal does not mean contagious,

dying does not need to include pain

and death certainly does not mean

loneliness and obscurity!

Why Centurion Hospice?

“Quality of Life, Dignity in Death and Support in Bereavement”

Established in 1997 when four philanthropists signed the first constitution.  These were Professor Boyazoglu, Bobby Locke, Jetske Nell and George van Dyk.  Their main purpose was to build a palliative in patient facility on land they secured from the City of Tshwane.

Today the Centurion Hospice offers a programme of specialised, palliative care to patients with progressive, advanced, or incurable disease from diagnosis.  Our programme is holistically designed in so far that we also embrace the patient’s family and loved ones in providing supportive social, clinical, and psychological services throughout the journey and during the bereavement period after the passing of the patient.

Palliative care is not only for cancer patients! The Centurion Hospice recognises dying as a normal process and neither hastens nor postpones death.  Any patient (with their consent) with life-limiting or life-threatening illnesses like cancer, HIV/AIDS, advance lung disease, cardiac and organ failure, multiple sclerosis. Stroke, incurable wounds and even people with an advance stage of dementia can make use of our services – no one will ever be turned away due to their inability to pay.

It is never too early to contact a hospice!  The most challenging time in your life may begin with hearing the news that you or a loved one has a life-limiting illness.  You do not have to go through this experience alone. Our assistance can start from diagnosis and will include training you and your loved ones how to cope during this life-changing experience.

Wherever it is needed, we provide care!  Our in-patient unit will be re-opening its doors soon. The hospice can accommodate fifteen patients at any given time, and we are looking forward in welcoming new patients into a loving, caring and comfortable environment – giving them reason to live until the end of their days.

A highly committed and thoroughly trained nursing and social services team provide home-based palliative, medical and psychosocial services.

Knowledge is power!  We create awareness of what palliative care includes – pain and symptom control, mitigating against the impact on the family, and leading the patient and loved ones towards acceptance.

If you are not sure whether you qualify for palliative services, call us for a free consultation.

What do we stand for?

Our Vision

Quality of Life for People affected by Life-limiting Illnesses


Our Mission

By providing Holistic Palliative Care to ensure Dignity in Death and Support in Bereavement


Our Values

Integrity, Innovation, Dignity, Commitment, Respect  


Our Goals 

  • “Palliative Care for all” – no focus on affordability, address stigma, all races and all denominations; people with a wider range of life-limiting illnesses including HIV, TB, pre-terminal cancer, geriatric conditions, dementia etc. Also consider patients undergoing cancer treatment. Supported by excellent, no-discriminatory psychosocial and bereavement care.
  • “Destination of Choice” – the community supports a venue and organisation that is not only for patients, but also for people identified in our outreach programmes, clients of the shop, coffee shop, medical equipment rental and the wider community.
  • “Holistic service” to include “paid for” care such as care givers (nursing agency) and psycho-social services so that we can stretch our reach, supplement current medical services and enhance income. Holistic is seen, supported and felt throughout the whole organisation.
  • “Self-sustainability” – a reserve fund, socio-economic enterprises, income from core business including palliative, psycho-social and nursing care, expanding income base, reduction of risk, frugal expenditure. Maximum benefit derived from what we have available – using facilities to support Department of Health and/or care for the aged.


Our Ethos

Centurion Hospice supports the widely held views:

  • That coming to terms with death is as vital as coming to terms with life and may provide profound insights into the purpose of living
  • That each person is precious and should be treated with dignity, compassion and respect
  • That dying persons have a right to retain control and share fully in the decisions concerning what is appropriate for them; that they have a right to their religious views, their cultural beliefs and their world views
  • That hospice care is a service given freely and not motivated by the ability to pay
  • That hospice care is medically guided and given from a holistic approach, but may be flexible enough to focus on specific areas of need if this seems appropriate to the dying person
  • That the hospice service draws on the resources of lay and professional people, is supported by voluntary effort and guided by professional expertise.


Our Philosophy

The fulfilment of our vison and mission depends on the cooperation of its entire team in support of our palliative services. We believe that “together we are stronger and together we make a difference” not only to our patients and families, but also in our community.  We engender:

  • Respect and Honour
  • Teamwork and Participation
  • Open and Honest Communication
  • Empathetic Caring and Compassion
Areas in which we work

The greater Centurion area and certain parts of Pretoria.  These include (alphabetically):

  • Centurion
  • Clubview
  • Doringkloof
  • Eldoraigne
  • Erasmia
  • Gerhardsville
  • Highveld
  • Irene
  • Laudium
  • Lyttelton
  • Midrand and Midstream
  • Monumentpark
  • Mooiplaas
  • Pierre van Ryneveldt
  • Pretoria West
  • Proclamation Hill
  • Olievenhoudsbosch
  • Olifantsfontein
  • Rooihuiskraal
  • Valhalla
  • Waterkloof
  • Wierdapark
Free vs Paid Services

Palliative and medical care is provided free of charge to patients who cannot afford care or to patients whose medical aid has been exhausted and who then cannot afford to pay.  We do however encourage families to contribute what they can as to allow us to extend our reach to others who cannot afford palliative care.