Psychosocial Care and Bereavement Support

The adjustment to living with a life-threatening diagnosis can be challenging, and at times lonely.  Our social worker and spiritual team are available to support the patient, and loved ones, in coming to acceptance of the diagnosis and to optimising every moment of life.

Finding meaning in suffering and loss will assist the patient and family to live optimistically despite the diagnosis, and experiencing much needed appropriate support.  Centurion Hospice support extends to the patient’s and family’s needs in a holistic approach that addresses physical, social and spiritual needs.

Psychosocial support starts from the moment of first contact and registration.   The palliative team works together hand in hand and incorporates social workers, counsellors and psychologists who are able to evaluate the needs of the patient and the family

Bereavement Care continues for a year after the death of a loved one.  It is helpful to establish a relationship with our counsellors early on after diagnosis, so that meaningful support can continue appropriately into the bereavement period.

Support groups are held for spouses who struggle with the painful loss of a life partner.

Centurion Hospice also provides assistance with practical issues such as:

  • Living wills
  • Pensions
  • Access to state assistance
  • Spiritual counselling from religious leaders across various denominations
  • Practical assistance as needed
  • Referral to other support services